August 18, 2013 Meeting
Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
Generally we present 1) news items, 2) upcoming events, 3) classes, and 4) job opportunities before any open discussion
[21:00] erroric Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 [21:00] nhasian +1 [21:00] adrenaline +1 [21:00] toddc +1 [21:00] tuxmann +1 [21:00] gnewbie +1 [21:00] erroric +1 [21:00] toddc_ +1 [21:01] === The nickname “toddc” is already in use, use the /nick command to pick a new one. [21:01] erroric quiet night, alright lets go! [21:01] erroric Star Date 91235.45 [21:01] erroric Team wiki site [21:01] erroric Team Website is [21:01] erroric Team membership [21:01] erroric [21:01] erroric Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [21:01] erroric some of us are in if you want to see us or talk to us [21:01] erroric Anybody here that is new tonight? [21:01] erroric Please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your self [21:01] gnewbie o/ [21:02] erroric hey gnewbie! [21:02] toddc welcome again offcially this time [21:02] wmack +1 [21:02] erroric just a quick intro, how long have you been using linux? [21:02] gnewbie Used Linux for years. several distros. On Gentoo right now, but have ubuntu on other computers. [21:02] programmer317 +1 [21:02] adrenaline Welcome gnewbie [21:02] erroric well good to meet ya, hopefully we see you around ! [21:02] gnewbie a dozen years or so [21:03] erroric lets start with the news!! [21:03] toddc he is right here 1 sec [21:03] -->| Dazed_75 ( has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:03] erroric late to party! [21:03] erroric Hey Dazed_75, we're ready for the news when you are [21:03] Dazed_75 sec [21:03] adrenaline evening Dazed_75 [21:04] erroric sure thing [21:04] Dazed_75 [21:04] Dazed_75 [21:04] Dazed_75 [21:04] Dazed_75 [21:05] Dazed_75 [21:05] Dazed_75 [21:05] Dazed_75 [21:05] Dazed_75 [21:05] Dazed_75 [21:05] -->| Rich_ (6cafa3f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:06] Dazed_75 [21:06] Dazed_75 [21:06] toddc hi rich_ [21:06] Rich_ hi [21:06] Dazed_75 [21:06] Dazed_75 [21:06] Dazed_75 [21:06] Dazed_75 [21:07] Dazed_75 [21:07] Dazed_75 [21:07] Dazed_75 [21:07] Dazed_75 [21:08] Dazed_75 [21:08] Dazed_75 [21:08] Dazed_75 [21:08] Dazed_75 [21:08] Dazed_75 [21:08] Dazed_75 [21:09] Dazed_75 [21:09] Dazed_75 [21:09] Dazed_75 [21:09] Dazed_75 [21:09] Dazed_75 [21:09] Dazed_75 [21:10] Dazed_75 [21:10] Dazed_75 [21:10] Dazed_75 Canonical shutting down "Ubuntu Friendly" [21:10] Dazed_75 [21:10] Dazed_75 and doing something with them [21:10] Dazed_75 [21:10] Dazed_75 [21:11] Dazed_75 [21:11] Dazed_75 [21:11] Dazed_75 [21:11] Dazed_75 [21:11] erroric Debian is 20yrs old! wow [21:11] Dazed_75 [21:11] Dazed_75 [21:12] Dazed_75 [21:12] Dazed_75 [21:12] Dazed_75 Samsung Properly Open-Sources exFAT File System [21:12] Dazed_75 [21:12] Dazed_75 (Chrome browser) [21:12] Dazed_75 [21:12] gnewbie when you asked how long I've been on linux, I was trying to think how long there has been a linux. [21:12] Dazed_75 [21:13] Dazed_75 [21:13] erroric for-ev-er [21:13] adrenaline Linux has been around since'91 [21:13] Dazed_75 ... and thats all from Apache Junction. I hope everyone found SOME piece of news useful [21:13] toddc another old guy like me [21:13] adrenaline I am already reading how to properly clean my monitor [21:14] erroric Thanks Dazed_75! That was a lot of links, but if you get the log its always nice to go back and have something interesting to read throughout the week! [21:14] toddc and Dazed-75 [21:14] erroric great news as always!! [21:14] erroric I have a few more to add!! [21:14] erroric Ubuntu Edge 11million raised sofar and you can have one too for 695.00 maybe!! [21:14] erroric [21:14] adrenaline Android app of the week? [21:14] erroric Currently on the Indie-go-go site: $11,256,865 [21:14] erroric hold your horses adrenaline [21:14] adrenaline haha [21:15] erroric great news as always!!Ubuntu forums are now open so please change your passwords!!!! [21:15] erroric Why Ubuntu’s creator still invests his fortune in an unprofitable company [21:15] erroric [21:15] erroric Lots Of Ubuntu Mir Changes Expected Next Week [21:15] erroric [21:15] erroric How To Install No-ip2 On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS In Order To Host Servers On A Dynamic IP Address [21:15] erroric [21:15] erroric TEAM NEWS [21:15] erroric We have canceled the following meetings due to holidays [21:16] erroric Meetings [21:16] erroric September 1 Meeting due to the labor day holiday [21:16] erroric October 13 due to Columbus Day [21:16] erroric November 10 meeting due to veterans day weekend holiday? [21:16] erroric Ubuntu Hour [21:16] erroric November 28 Ubuntu hour due to Thanksgiving [21:16] erroric December Ubuntu hour falls on December 26 the day after Christmas [21:16] erroric write it on your calendars, don't want to drive all the way out for one and there isn't one in site like adrenaline did a couple weeks ago [21:16] erroric Team renewal is coming up and we will need help to get ready [21:16] erroric if you would like to help check with tuxmann Dazed-75 or myself [21:17] erroric we will helping other's to become full Ubuntu members and getting the team ready for renewal. And we are planing on the first meeting next weekend 12 to 4 PM location TABA to work on documents and wiki's. Then will need as many as possible to attend a on-line meeting with the Loco Council. Sometime Next month [21:17] erroric [21:17] adrenaline Hey I might have caused some confusion [21:17] erroric Dazed-75 has made a great start see [21:17] erroric [21:17] erroric ubuntu membership [21:17] erroric [21:17] erroric [21:18] erroric JOB LIST [21:18] erroric Entry Level IT / Computer Tech (Tempe) [21:18] erroric [21:18] erroric Operating systems Engineer 4 Wellsfargo [21:18] erroric [21:18] erroric Impact Tech has several local openings [21:18] erroric [21:18] erroric Entry Level PC Techs [21:18] erroric Call Jason 949-230-1192 for a Interview [21:18] erroric Android App Pick of the week [21:18] erroric (this is for you adrenaline ) [21:18] adrenaline haha [21:18] erroric Robin - the Siri Challenger [21:18] adrenaline thanks [21:18] erroric [21:18] erroric Linux App of the week [21:18] erroric aria2 [21:19] erroric [21:19] erroric TUCSON Ubuntu Hour [21:19] erroric Tucson ubuntu is on hold for the time being [21:19] erroric UBUNTU HOUR Tempe [21:19] erroric Thursday August 22 is the next Ubuntu Hour at Extreme Bean in Tempe southern and McClintock [21:19] erroric [21:19] erroric this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux and open source. Stop by and say [21:19] erroric TEMPE INSTALLFEST [21:19] erroric Azloco/plug installfest is Saturday September 7 and Saturday September 21 at UAT 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4PM Room 208 48st and Baseline Rd enter from the rear of the front building. [21:19] erroric Yesterday we did have a lot of new users but we have fun setting up some cool projects [21:19] erroric and tweaking out our own systems and swapping tips [21:20] erroric For more info see calender at [21:20] erroric We will also be streaming all events on [21:20] erroric If you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. [21:20] erroric TEAM SERVER NEWS [21:20] erroric slofgren has arranged for a donation to the team of two Dell 2950 servers that are fully loaded [21:20] erroric but we still need new home for them if anyone has ideas? [21:20] erroric UBUNTU TRAINING [21:20] erroric ubuntu on-air [21:20] erroric [21:20] erroric [21:20] erroric Weekly Ubuntu Webcast Tuesday with Jono Bacon 10 AM [21:20] erroric FUTURE EVENTS [21:20] erroric Any thoughts on other events or projects??? [21:21] adrenaline raises his hand [21:21] erroric adrenaline, go ahead [21:22] toddc adrenaline: type faster!!! [21:22] toddc hurry hurry [21:22] erroric rude! making us wait... [21:22] adrenaline I may have told you the worng think on Saturday. I thought toddc told me that we were cancelling the first install fest next month but after you left he indicated that he wasn't canceling it. So just to clarrify toddc can you let us know for sure here [21:22] erroric yeah toddc stop giving out conflicting dates! [21:22] toddc yes it is correct here and on the calender [21:23] adrenaline Not toddc's fault it was all mine here I misunderstood the meeting last week [21:23] toddc cancelled sunday night meetings only the installfests stay the same for at least a month [21:24] adrenaline Thank you, toddc [21:24] erroric alrighty, thanks toddc [21:24] erroric back to it... [21:24] erroric PLUG EVENTS [21:24] erroric Free Software Stammtisch Tuesday August 20 at Iguana Macks 7:00PM 1371 N Alma School Rd Chandler AZ 85224 [21:24] erroric [21:24] erroric And thats it! [21:24] toddc should be correct!! [21:24] erroric Thanks for stopping by everyone [21:24] toddc Plug East side meeting Thursday September 12 7-10 PM at Desert Breeze Substation 251 North Desert Breeze Blvd, Chandler, AZ 85226 [21:24] xHans [21:25] erroric If you are interested in joining the ubuntu membership group give todd a shout so we can get you on a list of people to send info to. IE spam you all week [21:25] erroric thanks for correction! [21:26] xHans bitte [21:26] toddc novenber 2 installfest is canncelled due to the school using the classroom [21:26] erroric any other news from your end xHans ? Any classes coming up? [21:26] xHans classes start tomorrow [21:27] erroric well next semester then! I should be back then, job permitting... [21:27] toddc erroric: my cheat sheet cut off a few lines at the end sorry!! [21:27] erroric We will be hanging around so if you wanna stay and chat, if not, we'll see you all around [21:27] erroric toddc: I see that [21:27] xHans[]=4136&credit_career=B&credits[min]=gt0&credits[max]=lte9&start_hour=any&end_hour=any&startafter=&instructors= [21:28] xHans next month's PLUG meeting is on scalable logging and log searching [21:29] erroric I will be attending that one, we are looking at logstash for implementation at work ! [21:29] |<-- tuxmann has left freenode (Quit: Leaving) [21:29] xHans we're already using it some [21:30] toddc that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? [21:30] xHans plus I'll be dragging our Splunk guy along with me [21:30] adrenaline erroric: I missed something what did you mean forums are open change the passwords [21:30] erroric i like splunk but its too much for our small architecture in my opinion [21:31] erroric adrenaline: they locked it all down due to a haxxor... I think that was the reason [21:31] toddc adrenaline: the ubuntu forums were hacked and if you had a logon there you should change it [21:31] adrenaline Since saturday? [21:31] toddc several weeks ago [21:31] adrenaline Ok so since I created mine on Saturday I am safe then? [21:31] toddc sso was not affecteded [21:31] adrenaline Thanks for clearing that up [21:32] xHans erroric: yeah, I doubt we'd even consider moving off splunk for what we currently use it for, but there are some other things that could do with being searchable [21:32] toddc yes you created a single sign on [21:32] toddc Thanks for coming tonight. I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question [21:32] xHans [21:33] gnewbie did I understand there would be a link somewhere listing all those news URLs? [21:33] toddc yes one second and I will have it [21:34] Dazed_75 Todd is posting the log to the wiki since I missed the beginning of the meeting [21:34] Dazed_75 he will also email the meeting notes to the usual suspects [21:35] erroric tonight was my first night 'trying' to lead that, sorry if i missed the usual info [21:35] Dazed_75 [21:35] adrenaline claps great job erroric! [21:35] gnewbie yes, thanks. that is a lot of news.
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/August 18, 2013 Meeting (last edited 2013-08-19 04:45:20 by tcole3737)